Personal Collectibles

Personal Collectibles All Risks

Personal Collectibles All Risks Policy is designed for art collectors who require specialist insurance for their collections worldwide. With a flexible approach to your individual needs, our insurer is able to offer a bespoke “All Risks” insurance package to safeguard your collection. This includes cover for accidental damage and items temporarily removed from the collector’s premises, depreciation and defective title, pairs and sets, automatic cover for new acquisitions and emergency evacuation of the collection.
Worldwide Cover for Contents
Contents are covered on a worldwide basis, with complimentary transit cover during removal or temporary storage with a high per article limit for your specified and unspecified items.

Worldwide Transit and Temporary Storage Coverage
We cover your artworks while they are in transit and provide temporary storage at an unspecified location worldwide.

Accidental Damage Coverage
We fully cover all types of accidental damages to your property.

Automatic Coverage for New Property
We cover your newly acquired property automatically up to 25% of your Total Sum Insured.

Pair, Sets or Parts Cover
If part of a pair or set of fine art items is damaged, you can choose for a Total Loss in return for getting full payment on the pair or set.

Restoration Costs and Depreciation Cover
We provide coverage for restoration and also protect you against depreciation.

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